I build 3 animations using the iconic sphere and line to represent different functions of this platform. The meaning behind seasaw-like icon is that firstly, the interaction between us and ITs are fluent, it comes in both direction, and the effect also are on us both. Secondly, if AI really have personality, on the internet, behind the screen, are they different from us? or they can be easily transit as human. 

I've created three animations using the iconic sphere and line to symbolize the various functions of this platform. The significance of the seesaw-like icon is twofold:
firstly, the fluid Interaction represents the seamless, two-way interaction between us and the ITs. The effects of this interaction are mutual, impacting both parties.
second is that it prompts contemplation on whether AI can truly possess personality. Behind the digital screen, is there any fundamental difference between them and us? Can they effortlessly transition into being perceived as human?

These animations evoke the essence of the platform, exploring the dynamic relationship and intriguing possibilities that arise from the merging of human and AI experiences.

If you are intrigued by Personalized GPT Training, you shall take a look at Mental AmbIvalence, Memory Palace, and GPT Diary
Those are projects about memory-pretrained GPT :D

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