Within the IT Training feature, the input text assumes a significant role. We offer flexible options for AI Training newbies to upload text that they believe contributes to shaping the GPT model's personality.

Users can employ the graphic UI to fine-tune the AI training parameters, ensuring a customizable and tailored training experience. 

Run name

Each time you run the training, a run name is generated, and will be saved as different versions of IT, you can call it from the chat training later. 


Temperature determines how randomly the model chooses from the list of possible words to compose the generated result


It determins whether you want this run to overwrite your history version. Default is N.

Top P

Top P is another way of controlling how predictable GPT's output is. Top P determines how long that possible words list is.


You can determin the fixed sentence as mantra of IT.

If you are tired of high-tech color mode, you can switch to different mood color theme from the left bottom.

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