Processing (JAVA)
Processing (JAVA)
3D Visualiztion
Creative Coding
Conceptual Design
3D Visualiztion
Creative Coding
Conceptual Design
World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum
Mar 2022
Mar 2022
I. Background
The topic of this project is to analyze the environment and economy of the countries where people most want to immigrate, specifically in the aspects of emissions of CO2, the increasing change of population and GDP development.
Comparing these three aspects, we can get the most healthy, green and economic-friendly country that suits immigration most. The different forms for three aspects: dots and lines are for the change of CO2 emission, polygons are for the population and the GDP increase accordingly.
II. Visualization
The white lines represent the distribution of the population and GDP of each country from 1970 to 2018 in the coordinate system with the year as the x coordinate, the population increase as the z coordinate, and the GDP as the y coordinate.
The size of the dot represents the carbon dioxide emissions of the country in the year. The larger the radius of the dot, the higher the average GDP emissions. Similarly, the line segment representing energy consumption is the same way.
The important part of this data visualization is the movement and transformation of each segment that changes accordingly with time, which is aimed to show the comparison between metrics in different countries, but also a metaphor to consistence of living.
Live Processing link will be provided soon :)