VII.   User Testing

To understand what features users prioritize at outdoor wedding planning scenarios, I conducted 3 usability testing sessions with 6 main tasks to iterate the user expeirence based on user habits.

Introduced with wedding planning context, users were asked to complete Build Customized Checklist, Share Notes in note Board, Use OWE AI Assistant, Check Budget, Invite Guests, Generate Plan B. Under 6 main tasks, users also completed small tasks to fully explore the app.

After the user tests, I concluded 3 main problems that users were struggling with:

  • When asked to build a customzed checklist , they are overwhelmed by the contents on homepage. It took every user a while to find checklist button and get started

  • The Noteboard helped a lot when collaborating but they felt the layout was a little bit messy and the images and notes weren’t engaging

  • Some buttons and icons were not visible enough and can be easily overlooked

Main Adjustments:

  • Set automatically entering checklist building page after onboarding, since the checklist is quite an important guidance for users to explore this app.

  • Redesign the noteboard to make things more organized, and create a board that allows images, texts and pop-up comments are engaging more.

  • Change the location and size of some buttons and tags to make them more visable.

  • Add more correspoding interactions between functions and buttons to smooth out the expirence.

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